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Katie (Age: 25)

Primary contributor: Marc

  • She is not a Christian but interested because of her friend (who is a Christian).
  • She would like to do an Alpha course.

User Stories:

  • As Katie, I want to quickly (three clicks) find out when the Alpha course is and may want further information on it. (High)
  • As Katie, I would also like to sign up. (Medium)
  • As Katie, I also may want to find more information about what it means to be a Christian. (Medium)
  • As Katie, I would like to get an idea of what the church does and what it stands for. (High)
  • As Katie, I need to know how to get to the church. (High)

Naz (Age: 17)

Primary contributor: Kirsty

  • She has recently become a Christian through a church youth group.
  • She is enthusiastic about her new faith wants to participate in church activities.
  • She also want to find out more about what it means to life a Christian life and share her faith with her friends.

User Stories:

  • As Naz I want to be able to access the youth pages easily, within 2 clicks. (High)
  • As Naz I want up-to-date information and programme details for the term available. (High)
  • As Naz I want to see what the existing young people think of the church and how they are involved and how I could use my skills in the church. (Medium)
  • As Naz I want to use a facebook link to link in with the other youth through their group facebook page so that I can 'add' the young people as friends and keep up-to-date in a format I am most likely to use. (Medium)

- The last point may sound like I am suggesting it will be possible for anyone to click the link and have all the young people's facebook accounts in front of them which obviously we don't want, this danger is eliminated as, the privacy settings on the group it would link to, allow noone to view any of the members until myself or Olly have accepted their request and so ensured that they are a young person who we see on a regular basis.

John (Age: 31)

Primary contributor: Kirsty

  • He is a committed Christian.
  • He has recently moved to the area and is looking for a church.

User Stories:

  • As John I want to gain an impression of the church from the homepage, to gauge how welcoming the church is to new people but also to see if it is also a community for those who are already members. (High)
  • As John I want to find out the church's Mission Statement and vision and values easily and quickly. (High)
  • As John I want to find out about home-groups and have the contact details for someone who I can speak to further about these. (High)
  • As John I want to know what the church is doing in the community. (High)
  • As John I want to see where the church is and where the parish is. (Medium)

Goahua (Age: 35)

Primary contributor: Marc

  • He lives in China and vets visa applicant for the Chinese Government.
  • He wants to know whether a church member who applied for a visa wants to work in China as professional or missionary.

User Stories:

  • As Goahua, I would like to find out whether someone is placed with a mission agency like OMF. We should make sure that this information is not available. (High)
  • As Goahua, I would like to find out personal information about individuals. We should make sure that that personal information is not published with prior consent. (High)

Thomas (Age: 34)

Primary contributor: Pauline

  • He is a Christian who has recently decided to become more committed to the church.
  • He wants to get involved in serving, give 10% and join a home group.

User Stories:

  • As Thomas, I would like to see a calendar of events outside of regular sunday worship with contact numbers/emails for those heading up each event (High)
  • As Thomas, I would like to see an overview of the church services and the style, time, and duration of each one (High)
  • As Thomas, I would like to be able to set up a regular contribution to the church linked to my bank account (Medium)
  • As Thomas, I would like to see a list of all home groups by name, location, meeting date and times, member compostion, and contact details (Medium)

Sarah (Age: 79)

Primary contributor: Pauline

  • She is a committed church member but she finds it hard to attend church regularly due to health problems.
  • Her daughter has recently bought a laptop for her and taught her basic web skills.
  • She loves to listen to the CCC sermons and wants to stay up-to-date with what is happening at the church.

User Stories:

  • As Sarah, I would like to be able to easily access audio recordings of the Sunday sermons searchable by date, topic and speaker (High)
  • As Sarah, I would like to see a detail overview of the current week's upcoming events, as well as highlights of significant upcoming events (High)
  • As Sarah, I would like to see highlights of past events with pictures (Low)
  • As Sarah, I would need to be able to access these items within less than two or three clicks from the home page (High)
  • As Sarah, I would like to feel that I can submit prayer requests via the website (Medium)

Ethel (Age: 81)

Primary contributor: Danielle

  • She is a regular member of the church and wants to socialise.

User Stories:

  • As Ethel, I would like know about events and service times. (High)
  • As Ethel, I would like know how to sign up and who to contact. (Medium)

Sonja (Age: 49)

Primary contributor: Pauline

  • She is a committed Christian and a long standing member of the church.
  • She is part of a home group and helps with the youth work.
  • She is web savvy.
  • She is misses the occasional service.

User Stories:

  • As Sonja, I would like to be able to download podcasts of the sermons which are searchable by date, speaker, and topic (High)
  • As Sonja, I would like to download a study aid for that week's sermon to allow me to meditate on the message throughout the week (Low)
  • As Sonja, I would like to participate in a "Memory Verse" Challenge each week so that by the end of the year I've committed to memory 52 verses from the Bible (Low)
  • As Sonja, I would like to see the schedule of my home group and the contact details of all of its members (with their approval of course) (Medium)
  • As Sonja, I would like to see a comprehensive calendar of events and contact details for leaders marked clearly to be able to identify youth related activities (High)

Tim (Age: 46)

Primary contributor: Chris

  • He is more or less a committed member of the church but wants to know how to be "in the loop".
  • He missed about every second service.

User Stories:

  • As Tim, I would like to see what the sermon topic is and who's preaching, as this'll influence whether I come to the service. (High)
  • As Tim, I would like to see what events are available for my teenage kids.(High)
  • As Tim, I would like to browse the Newsletter on line (Medium)
  • As Tim, I would like to receive electronic notifications about events and important church news. (High)
  • As Tim, I would like to be able to tailor the notification method and subject matter. (Medium)

Suzanna (Age: 31)

Primary contributor: Chris

  • She is a single mother and wants her son to qualify for a Church of England school in the area.
  • She is not a Christian but thinks that if she already has to go to a service, she might as well go to a lively church and hopes to meet people of the same age.
  • She also is interested in hiring a hall for her son's fourth birthday.

User Stories:

  • As Suzanna, I would like to see the entry criteria for the Church of England school. Do I really have to come to church, and if so how many times? (Medium)
  • As Suzanna, I would like to see what's the best service for me and my son, that won't be boring. Is there a creche? (High)
  • As Suzanna, I want to see what the Nursery school is like, how much it costs, and whether the government will give me any help? (Medium)
  • As Suzanna, I want to know how much it is to hire the Hall for my son's party. Are there discounts for people who come to the church? (High)

Harry (Age: 43) and Sally (Age: 35)

Primary contributor: Danielle

  • They are not Christians.
  • They have decided to get married and are looking for a church in the area for this occasion.

User Stories:

  • As Harry and Sally, we need to know how to apply and what to do in order to get married at the church. (Medium)
  • As Harry and Sally, we would like to know what the church looks like and what the church has to offer. (Low)
  • As Harry and Sally, we would like to know the purpose, vision and values of the church are. (High)

Matthew (Age: 56)

Primary contributor: Andrew

  • He comes to church only for Easter and Christmas.
  • He prefers to plan well ahead and wants to know when the services are.

User Stories:

  • Hi im Matthew (an authentic Anglican!) I would like to check at the begining of Advent and Lent exactly what services my local church will offer so I can plan well ahead and get the family organised. It would be really useful to have a link to these most important services on the frony page of the website.
  • In fact it would be really useful to have all the information of these services on the front page. I need to know this I am a real Anglican!

Samuel (Age: 43)

Primary contributor: Chris

  • He wants contact information for an event or contractors appointment.

User Stories:

  • As Samuel, I want an image of the church to make my quote for building work look professional. (Medium)
  • as Samuel, I wnat the contact details of the guys in charge of Premises at the church. (Medium)
  • I'm a different Samuel, and my father has just passed away. I want to know who to contact about his funeral. (High)
  • I've now got the funeral arranged and I would like details of how to get to the church and where to park. (high)

Caroline (Age: 32)

Primary contributor: Andrew

  • She wants to get her son into the Christ Church Pre-School.

User Stories:

  • Caroline needs within three clicks to know that there is a pre-school that uses the buildings of Christ Church but it should be clear the pre-school is not owned or managed by Christ Church. (High)
  • Caroline needs easy access to the pre-school website when clicking on the site it should go to a fresh page to confrim the fact this is not a Christ Church run venture. All links that the CC website recomends should go to new webpages. (Medium)

Carlos (Age: 29)

Primary contributor: Chris

  • He lives in Bolivia, and is researching family history.

User Stories:

  • As Carlos, I want to know who to contact to trace my ancestors who used to go to Christ Church. (High)
  • As Carlos, I want to see who the Vicar was who married my great grandmother in 1899 and what the church looked like then. (Medium)
  • As Carlos, I'm a Spanish speaker with moderate English. I would like an on line translation facility on the website. (Low)


The requirements have been grouped based on the user type as follows:

  1. Regular Attendees
  2. Newbies
  3. Information Seeker

Regular Attendees


  • RA-H1: As Naz, I want to be able to access the youth pages easily, within 2 clicks.
  • RA-H2: As Naz, I want up-to-date information and programme details for the church term available.
  • RA-H3: As Naz, I would like to know how I could use my skills in the church.
  • RA-H4: As Thomas, I would like to see a calendar of events outside of regular sunday worship with contact numbers/emails for those heading up each event
  • RA-H5: As Thomas, I would like to see an overview of the church services and the style, time, and duration of each one
  • RA-H6: As Thomas, I would like to be able to set up a regular or a one off contribution to the church linked to my bank account
  • RA-H7: As Thomas, I would like to see a list of all home groups by name, location, meeting date and times, member compostion, and contact details
  • RA-H8: As Sarah, I would like to be able to easily access audio recordings of the Sunday sermons.
  • RA-H9: As Sonja, I would like to be able to easily access audio recordings of the Sunday sermons.
  • RA-H10: As Sarah, I would like to see a detailed overview of the current week's upcoming events, as well as highlights of significant upcoming events
  • RA-H11: As Sarah, I would need to be able to access these items within less than two or three clicks from the home page
  • RA-H12: As Ethel, I would like know about events and service times.
  • RA-H13: As Sonja, I would like to see a comprehensive calendar of events and contact details for leaders marked clearly to be able to identify youth related activities
  • RA-H14: As Tim, I've got teenage kids and I want to check what's going on for them
  • RA-H15: As Tim, I would like to receive electronic notifications about events and important church news.
  • RA-L4: As Tim, I make a decision about whether to come to church by checking the website to see what the sermon topic is, and who's preaching


  • RA-M1: As Tim, I would like to be able to tailor the notification method and subject matter.
  • RA-M2: As Ethel, I would like know how to sign up and who to contact.
  • RA-M3: As Sarah, I would like to feel that I can submit prayer requests via the website
  • RA-M4: As Naz, I want to see what the existing young people think of the church and how they are involved.
  • RA-M5: As Naz, I want to use an online social network link to link in with the other youth through their group online social network page so that I can 'add' the young people as friends and keep up-to-date in a format I am most likely to use. (The last point may sound like I am suggesting it will be possible for anyone to click the link and have all the young people's facebook accounts in front of them which obviously we don't want, this danger is eliminated as, the privacy settings on the group it would link to, allow noone to view any of the members until myself or Olly have accepted their request and so ensured that they are a young person who we see on a regular basis.)
  • RA-M6: As Sarah, I would like to search by date, topic and speaker
  • RA-M7: As Sonja, I would like to search by date, topic and speaker
  • RA-M8: As Sonja, I would like to see the schedule of my home group and the contact details of all of its members (with their approval of course)
  • RA-M9: As Tim, I like to browse the printed Newsletter on line


  • RA-L1: As Sarah, I would like to see highlights of past events with pictures
  • RA-L2: As Sonja, I would like to download a study aid for that week's sermon to allow me to meditate on the message throughout the week
  • RA-L3: As Sonja, I would like to participate in a "Memory Verse" Challenge each week so that by the end of the year I've committed to memory 52 verses from the Bible



  • NB-H1: As Katie, I would like to get an idea of what the church does and what it stands for.
  • NB-H2: As Katie, I need to know how to get to the church.
  • NB-H3: As Katie, I want to quickly (three clicks) find out when the Alpha course is and may want further information on it.
  • NB-H4: As John I want to gain an impression of the church from the homepage, to gauge how welcoming the church is to new people but also to see if it is also a community for those who are already members.
  • NB-H5: As John I want to find out the church's Mission Statement and vision and values easily and quickly.
  • NB-H6: As John I want to find out about home-groups and have the contact details for someone who I can speak to further about these.


  • NB-M1: As Katie, I would also like to sign up to the Alpha course.
  • NB-M2: As Katie, I also may want to find more information about what it means to be a Christian.
  • NB-M3: As John I want to know what the church is doing in the community.
  • NB-M4: As John I want to see where the church is and where the parish is.

Information Seekers


  • IS-H1: As Harry and Sally, we would like to know the purpose, vision and values of the church are.
  • IS-H2: As Samuel, my father has just passed away. He was married in the church in 1948, but moved away 10 years later. He'd always said he wants his funeral there. Who do I contact about this?
  • IS-H3: As Goahua, I would like to find out whether someone is placed with a mission agency like OMF. We should make sure that this information is not available.
  • IS-H4: As Goahua, I would like to find out personal information about individuals. We should make sure that that personal information is not published with prior consent.
  • IS-H5: As Samuel, I've now got the funeral arranged. I want to tell people how to get there and where to park. Also what are the public transport links?
  • IS-L7: * As Carlos, I want to know who to contact to trace my ancestors who used to go to Christ Church. (High)
  • IS-L4: As Suzanna, I would like to know how much is it to hire the Hall for my son's party. Are there discounts for people who come to the church?
  • IS-L2: As Suzanna, what's the best service for me and my son, that won't be boring? Is there a creche?


  • IS-L1: As Suzanna, I want to check the entry criteria for the Church of England school. Do I really have to come to church, and if so how many times?
  • IS-L3: As Suzanna, my son is currently in a nursery which is inconvenient for me to get to and frankly costs more than I can afford. I've heard there's a nursery at Christ Church. What's it like? How much do they charge? Does the government give any help for me to pay?
  • IS-M1: As Harry and Sally, we need to know how to apply and what to do in order to get married at the church.
  • IS-M2: As Caroline, I need, within three clicks, to know that there is a pre-school that uses the buildings of Christ Church but it should be clear the pre-school is not owned or managed by Christ Church.
  • IS-L6: As Samuel, I've been asked to tender for some building work. I want to make my quote looks professional by putting an image of the church in the documentation that I'm about to send. Is there a decent image I can download?
  • IS-M3: As Samuel, I've been awarded the contract. I met a guy there who seems to be in charge of Premises. I forgot to take his phone number. It's sure to be on the website.
  • IS-M5: As Caroline, I think that when clicking on the pre-school site it should go to a fresh page to confirm the fact that this is not a Christ Church run venture. All links that the CC website contains should go to new webpages.
  • IS-M6: As Matthew (an authentic Anglican!), I would like to check at the begining of Advent and Lent exactly what services my local church will offer so I can plan well ahead and get the family organised. It would be really useful to have a link to these most important services on the front page of the website


  • IS-L4: As Harry and Sally who are considering getting married at the church, we would like to know what the church looks like and what the church has to offer for weddings.
  • IS-L5: As Matthew, it would be really useful to have all the information I need of these Advent services on the front page. I need to know this I am a real Anglican!
  • IS-L6: As Samuel, I've been asked to tender for some building work. I want to make my quote looks professional by putting an image of the church in the documentation that I'm about to send. Is there a decent image I can download?
  • IS-L8: As Carlos, I would be interested to see who the Vicar was in 1899 and what the church looked like then.
  • IS-L9: As Carlos, I'm a Spanish speaker with moderate English. I would like an on line translation facility on the website


All listed contents should be assigned a Requirements reference number (see list above.) Rather than duplicating Content types please add your Requirements reference to Contents already created when appropriate:

2.1 - Calendar of events (reference RA-H4, RA- H10, RA-H13, RA-H2)

2.2 - Service times and style (RA-H5)

2.3 - Donation facility (RA-H6)

2.4 - Home group listing, location (as allowed), contact info (RA-H7, RA-M8, NB-H6)

2.5 - Audio downloads of services (RA-H8, RA-H9)

2.6 - Overview of prior events (RA-L1)

2.7 - Prayer request facility (RA-M3)

2.8 - Sermon study aids (RA-L2)

2.9 - Memory verse challenge facility (RA-L3)

2.10 - Introduction to the church (incl. Purpose, Vision and Values) (NB-H1, NB-H4, NB-H5)

2.11 - Directions to the church (NB-H2, NB-M4)

2.12 - Alpha course page with option to sign up (NB-H3, NB-M1)

2.13 - Life as Christian (NB-M2)

2.14 - Youth Pages (RA-H1)

2.15 - 'Get Involved' section (RA-H3)

2.16 - Social Network Links (RA-M5)

2.17 - 'Christ Church in the community, how we are serving the community' section (NB-M3)