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Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the clever and selected people. This yoga could be the final goal of all of the other kinds of yoga. That yoga teaches one to go through the world as it is with no ignorance and bias. You are able to achieve this state by practicing rigorous mental discipline and virtue. This yoga can also be named Raja Yoga or the master of all the yogas, since it is of the greatest variety and rules over all the other kinds. Here is the Yoga that Patanjali has explained in his Yoga Sutras.

This yoga consists of nine elements of which five are outside and the other three are internal. Two of its elements, viz yama and niyama deal with types of behaviour that the student of yoga must avoid like laying, cheating, stealing etc. and those habits he should grow like hygiene, non-collection etc. Pranayama and asanas are the next two parts of this yoga. Asanas are the physical movements that help in developing the suppleness of your body and therefore cure any diseases. You are able to control your breath by using pranayama which increases the volume of the lungs to ingest air and therefore increases the vitality of the body. The next part Pratyahara means the withdrawal of the sense organs from objects of enjoyment. The remaining three parts cope with intense mental concentration.

Patanjali managed that practicing these nine areas of yoga consistently and strongly will, over an interval of time, eliminate most of the impurities of the body and mind and thus achieve knowledge that will liberate the individual from bondage and ignorance. This yoga is known as Ashtanga Yoga as it is made of eight elements. It is also referred to as as Dhyana yoga because stress on mental concentration. Ergo, whenever there is any reference to yoga, it is generally meant that anyone is referring to Jnana Yoga the infographic