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The us government gives several advantages towards the individuals who are unemployed due to some specific reasons. These are mainly forwarded by means of the unemployment insurance programs. These are given according to the rules established by the Federal law. The eligibility for that unemployment insurance, benefit amounts & the size of time benefits are determined by their state law. Here are a few points that would cause you to comprehend the Federal unemployment benefits better:

The unemployed individual, in order to receive the unemployment compensation, must meet the eligibility requirements with regards to the wages earned or the time worked during an established period of time that is one year. Also the worker should be willing to work.

First of all one must satisfy the standards that comprise that you're not unemployed due to wrong reasons. That is it should be established that you don't stand any fault inside your unemployment.

The reasons that can disqualify you from the unemployment benefits are as follows:

· Quitting without good cause

· Resigned due to some illness (If so you can get the disability benefits.)

· Fired due to the misconduct

· Self-employed

· Left to obtain married

· While attending college

az unemployment office

· Involved with a labor dispute

The unemployment benefits are listed below:

· In most of the states the time limit of the regular benefits is 26 weeks.

· The additional weeks of benefits are made available only in the times during the high unemployment.

· In each and every state there's a ceiling around the maximum amount you receive in this process. Usually this amount is half of the average weekly wages. For example, in Ny the most you are able to withdraw is $ 405. Within the state of Arizona it's $ 205.

· These benefits are susceptible to the government income tax. These must be reported to the Federal tax return department.

· The extended unemployment benefits add 13 weeks towards the 26 weeks period of time.

Filing an unemployment benefit

As soon as you happen to be laid off, the very first thing you have to do is to file for the unemployment benefits. The process would take around Two to three weeks. You are able to file it online or even on the phone call. To be able to file claims, this is actually the detail of the information you'll want on hand:

· The Social Security Number

· In case you are not a US citizen you'll want the Alien Registration Card

· Your mailing address combined with the zipcode

· The telephone number

· What they are called, addresses & dates of employment of all the past employers for the last 24 months

When the claim is approved, you have to file the weekly claim with a phone call or a mail.