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My family and I have decided to move to Pennsylvania. We go to the Amish country area ever summer and have fallen in love with the country. We are from Edison, New Jersey and want to look at houses in York, Pa as well as Lancaster and much of central Pa. My children are a bit afraid to move to the country since they are used to being able to go to New York City every weekend and do not want to be bored. I assured them that Amtrak has plenty of trains going to and from New York so they will not miss a beat. They are still trying to find excuses to stay in New Jersey. While I understand, my husband and I have always wished to have a farm and think this is our chance.

In the beginning we went to several open  homes in York, Pa and open  houses for sale near Harrisburg, Pa. We have seen plenty of adorable  homes in Wrightsville and Hellam but we wanted to  consider some Harrisburg homes for sale so we can be  near to the city and our children  will not miss New York City as much. Harrisburg has  wonderful city life but  a lot of rural areas with hiking trails, parks and farmland we can explore. No matter what, my husband and I decided we would look for homes for sale, Central Pa or even in Berks county so we would have  lots of space for our farm.

My husband and I want to have a Community Supported Agricultural farm (CSA) but before we can do that we should find at least ten acres of land. Unfortunately, we won't be able to begin growing without neighborhood support. We are looking for houses for sale in York, Pa because we have seen how tightly knit the neighborhoods in York are and hope to use that to our advantage. Luckily, we won't be moving there without knowing anyone. If we are able to move to York, we have a few family members in Bainbridge that will help us reach out to the area and we will hopefully be able to start farming sooner rather than later. Between the two of us, we have a degree in agricultural science and business. I took agricultural science at Penn State before moving to Edison to be with my husband. Now that our children are almost grown, we are trying to live out our dreams. This worked out perfectly because I could deal with the farming and he could properly sell and manage the business end. He has also had the ability to find fantastic real estate in York, Pa. Because he has been doing the lion's share of the house hunting, I have been able to concentrate on the devices and supplies we need to start our farm. While I could not wait to see all the houses for sale in York, Pa and other areas I am more excited to actually start growing all the plants and preparing the business for a lot of neighborhood supporters. TM