Website Upgrade Joomla

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  1. Backup the site with Akeeba Backup.
  2. Restore the backup to the test site.
  3. Upgrade the Joomla! version of the test site.
  4. Upgrade all important Joomla extensions.
  5. Test the site.
  6. Run a link checker W3C Link Checker.


  1. Backup the site with Akeeba Backup.
  2. Set the site to offline.
  3. Upgrade the Joomla! version by downloading the latest package from the Joomla! website.
  4. Upgrade all important Joomla extensions, including:
    1. JEvents: download it here.
    2. JCE editor: download it here.
    3. Akeeba backups: download it here.
    4. Simple Image Gallery (by JoomlaWorks): download it here.
    5. Trombinoscope contact viewer: download it here.
    6. XMap site map: download it here, choose Xmap Package.
    7. AutoTweetNG: download it here, choose Free for community sites.
    8. AcyMailing: download it here, choose Starter edition.
    9. NotifySubmit: download it here
  5. Apply core customatisation.
  6. Set the site to online.