Website Activity and Course Guidelines

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New Activity or Course Page

The Website Team will create the initial page on the website for you and create a login for you (if you do not already have one). Once the page is created, the Website Team would like you to update the page and create related events using the login that the Website Team will create for you. If you feel uncomfortable with this idea, the Website Team can update the page for you based on your instructions.

Adding a New Activity or Course

To add a new activity or course, please send the following information to the Website Team by email to

  • Name of the activity/course
  • Target group; (e.g. age, women, men, couples, etc)
  • Organiser contact details:
    • Full name
    • Digital passport-style picture
    • Email
    • Phone (mobile or landline)
  • Description, including meeting schedule (e.g. Mondays 1-3pm) 
  • Initial session list (i.e. event list) including:
    • date
    • start time
    • end time
    • title (if there is a specific topic)
    • location (if this is not the usual activity location)

Here is an example of a page created with this information: TBC

If you would like to promote your activity or course, please refer to the [Website Promotion Guidelines|Promotion Guidelines].

Instructions for the Website Team:

  1. Create the page (please consider the General Content Guidelines)
    1. Login to Joomla Administator site [link to site] using assigned password and login which is posted to Website Team Facebook account [link to Facebook info]
    2. Click on 'Add New Article'
    3. Within New Article; insert 'Title' of new activity and choose appropriate 'Category'.
    4. Select 'Status' (probably 'Published') and select 'Access' (probably 'Public')
    5. Indicate whether or not you want the Activity to be 'Featured' which means [TBC]
    6. For 'Language' choose English UK.
    7. Add Activity message to the 'Article Text' section.
    8. Within Article Permissions, if you want to allow the owner of the Activity to edit the Activity for updates and changes (or even to delete when no longer relevant), set the permission to do so here.  [TBC - Need to understand how we will be using global configuration, parent group and category settings]
    9. Within Publishing Options and 'Created by', enter your name.  Choose appropriate and relevant dates for publishing.
    10. Under Article Options, choose 'Use Global' for all categories 
    11. Within Metadata Options [TBC]
  2. Set up the login
    1. At Joomla Administrator main menu select 'User Manager'
    2. Click on the 'New' (orange plus sign)
    3. Within Account Details; enter login name. Protocol is the firstname.lastname; password is defined by the Website Team
  3. Respond to the client
    1. Email client to indicate that Activity has been added and to send login information with instructions on how to edit (i.e. clicking on the edit icon in top left corner of article
    2. Include your contact details in case they have questions regarding how to edit

Updating an Existing Activity or Course

To update activity or course details:

  1. TBC

Deleting an Existing Activity or Course

To delete an existing activity or course:

  1. TBC

Activity or Course Events

Activities or courses consist of a series of actual sessions, called events. Once the initial page has been created, the Website Team would like you to add, update and delete events. If you feel uncomfortable with this idea, the Website Team can update the event information for you based on your instructions.

Adding a New Event

To add a new event:

  1. TBC

Updating an Existing Event

To update an existing event:

  1. TBC

Deleting an Existing Event

To delete an existing event:

  1. TBC