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Excellent Tips For Anyone Training A Dog

A dog can mean a companion waiting for you when you get home, a walking buddy, and a pal you can always play with. However, it can also mean torn-up shoes, incessant barking, and a general lack of obedience. Training your dog can alleviate these problems, but it sometimes feels like your dog just won't learn. This article will provide some advice that will help make your dog a friend, not a foe.

If you leave your dog outside provide shelter. Dogs will dig to create a shelter if left outside to stay cool in the summer and to warm up in the winter. You can stop the dog from digging up the yard by creating a shady spot for him or installing a doggy door so he can go in and out of the house or garage.

Create a bridge between the dog's response to a command and the reward for success. By saying a bridge word such as "yes" or "good", you will reinforce that the behavior is acceptable and the reward will follow. Keep using this bridge word even after training is complete to be consistent with your pet.

Shy dogs benefit from re-socializing. Oftentimes, dogs have behavioral incidents with certain situations, certain people or other dogs, that go unnoticed by us. We might not realize, but these interactions have given our dogs a sour taste about these circumstances. Re-socializing your dog to the stimuli he's upset by, can help him overcome his anxiety.

When considering a behavioral problem, consider how you might be contributing to it. For instance, some dogs react to types of people based on a single negative experience. This history of reaction may make owners act guarded around triggers, which reinforces the dog's anxiety. Check your body language at the door when you are looking to change a reaction.

Training a dog is never a frustration-free endeavor and there will be moments when you may feel like pulling your hair out. Just relax, breathe and know that a well-behaved pup is just around the bend. Now that you are armed with some great information, training your pooch will be a whole lot less stressful.

Training Tips.