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Household Pests: Seven Tips For Getting Rid Of Them

You could spend every weekend fixing up your home, shopping for nice accents and new furnishings, but if you've got a pest problem, nothing can cover it up. Although your efforts at great housekeeping aren't totally wasted, you know you need to address the pests. Keep reading for helpful advice on how to get rid of them for good. pest control Eastern Suburbs

Do not let your ego get in the way of your success. If you are confused about the proper usage of a product, do not hesitate to call NPIC so you can talk to a pesticide specialist. This person can give you proper guidance on how to use a product so you can get rid of pests for good.

If you live in a home that has pests in it, make sure that you call and exterminator before you move to a new home. Many people fail to do this and they end up carrying bugs with them to their new places. This means you will have the same issue all over again in a new place.

Biscuit beetles are a tough pest to get rid of. The first step is to find out why they're there. Often, it's because birds are nesting in your loft. If this isn't the case, they may be feeding on leftover food found around your home, so make sure to tidy it up.

Don't leave standing water out in your yard. Pests of all sizes and shapes love water. They drink it, and they bathe in it. Bugs often lay their eggs in it. Make sure that after every rainfall, you do your best to eliminate any standing water so that you don't encourage pests.

Boric acid can eradicate a whole colony of silverfish if used right! Place a small measured amount of household cleaner containing boric acid into hard to reach places. Silverfish will usually feel attracted to the acid and carry it back to their nests. This is said to have killed colonies of silverfish in a short amount of time.

It is rare that a clean home gets mealworms, so consider your own housekeeping habits if you find these creatures in your home. It's important to clean up your kitchen, bathroom, garage and other areas to ensure they have nothing to eat. Once they're starved out, they'll be gone for good.

Pest Control Bondi

If you are suffering from an infestation of pests, you do not just have to try and live with it. By using the easy pest control techniques listed in this article, you can get rid of the vermin that are invading your home. Start using these tips right away for effective pest control.