Website News and Media Guidelines

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News Items appear on the Home page in one line summary format. When you click on this line, the full news item is displayed. The item is also accessible from other parts of the menu structure. In order to create a news item, you have to log in to the back end (though you can edit them from the front end). News items can be a Noticesheet, Newsletter, News Bulletin or Sermon Download. To add a Noticesheet.

    1. First make sure the Noticesheet is saved somewhere on the PC on which you're working.
    2. Select Content>Article Manager>Add New Article
    3. Under Title, write the date of the Noticesheet, in standard format eg '13 November 2011'.
    4. In the Category box select '-Noticesheets'
    5. In the white area under 'Article text' first type what you think is the theme of the Sunday, eg Remembrance Sunday, or else the main message of the week from the notice sheet (no more than 50 characters, ending with three dots ...). Go to the bottom of the white box and click the 'Read more' button. This will crate a blue line, and what's above the line will show as a summary on the Home Page. Below the blue line type 'Noticesheets'. Highlight this and click the Link icon above (it shows as a link of a chain with a green plus sign).
    6. A pop up box appears. Click 'Browse Server' and then the 'Noticesheets' directory.
    7. Click 'Browse' and select, in our example, the 13 November 2011 noticesheet from your PC and click 'Send it to the server'. It will appear in the URL box.
      1. Still in the Link box, click the Advanced tab and in the 'stylesheet classes' box type 'redirect'. Click OK.
    8. Back in the 'Article Manager: Add New Article' screen, in the 'Publishing Options' section, click 'Select User' and enter your name.
    9. Enter today's date in the 'Created Date' and 'Start Publishing' boxes. Enter a date two months hence in the 'Finish Publishing' box. Note: it may drop off the 'Recent News' box on the Home page before this date, depending on the number of items in the box. But it will be available under the Resources menu drop down until the 'Finish Publication' date.
    10. Press 'Save&Close'

To add a Newsletter

    1. First make sure the Newsletter is saved somewhere on the PC on which you're working.
    2. From the menu bar, navigate to Content>Media Manager. Click 'Newsletters' folder, and at bottom of page click 'Browse'. Select the relevant newsletter from your PC and click 'Start upload'. The file should appear in the white box above.
    3. Select Content>Article Manager. From the list select the article containing the previous month's Newsletter (the article title will be the month in question). Open the article, and in the white box you'll see the text 'Newsletters'. Click on this and then click the Link icon above (it shows as a link of a chain with a green plus sign). Copy the link, close the Link box and close the article (red close button at top of page).
    4. Still in Article manager, select New (yellow button at top of page)
    5. Under Title, write the date of the Newsletter.
    6. In the Category box select '-Newsletters'
    7. In the white area under 'Article text' type 'Newsletters'. Highlight this and click the Link icon above (it shows as a link of a chain with a green plus sign).
    8. A pop up box appears. Paste the link that you previousle copied, and change the date in that text so that it corresponds exactly with the file name for this month's newsletter. Click OK.
    9. In the 'Publishing Options' section, click 'Select User' and enter your name.
    10. Enter today's date in the 'Created Date' and 'Start Publishing' boxes. Enter a date one year hence in the 'Finish Publishing' box. Note: it will drop off the 'Recent News' box on the Home page well before this date, but it will be available under the Resources menu drop down until the 'Finish Publication' date.
    11. Press 'Save&Close'

To add a News Bulletin

    1. Select Content>Article Manager>Add New Article
    2. Under Title, write the title of the NewsBulletin, eg 'Bishop of Rochester to visit Christ Church'.
    3. In the Category box select '-News Bulletins'
    4. In the white area under 'Article text' type the text of the News Bulletin. If you want to put a contact name in, click the 'J Tree Link' button above (it's shown as a chain link on top of a piece of paper). Expand the Menu and Contacts Menu directories by clicking on the tiny + signs, then select your contact. If the name doesn't appear you will have to create the contact (see guidelines for this elsewhere on the Wiki.)
    5. In the 'Publishing Options' section, click 'Select User' and enter your name.
    6. Enter today's date in the 'Created Date' and 'Start Publishing' boxes. Enter the date you want the News Bulletin to drop off the website. Note: it may drop off the 'Recent News' box on the Home page before this date, depending on the number of items in the box. But it will be available under the Resources menu drop down until the 'Finish Publication' date.
    7. Press 'Save&Close'

To add a Sermon Download

    1. First make sure the Sermon is saved somewhere on the PC on which you're working.
    2. From the menu bar, navigate to Content>Media Manager. Click 'Sermons' folder, and at bottom of page click 'Browse'. Select the relevant sermon from your PC and click 'Start upload'. The file should appear in the white box above.
    3. Select Content>Article Manager. From the list select the article containing a previous sermon. Open the article, and in the white box you'll see the title of the previous sermon. Put the cursor on this and then click the Link icon above (it shows as a link of a chain with a green plus sign). Copy the link, close the Link box and close the article (red close button at top of page).
    4. Still in Article manager, select New (yellow button at top of page)
    5. Under Title, write the title of the new sermon you want to load and the date of the sermon.
    6. In the Category box select '-Sermon Downloads'.
    7. In the white area under 'Article text' type the title of the sermon. Highlight this and click the Link icon above (it shows as a link of a chain with a green plus sign).
    8. A pop up box appears. Paste the link that you previousle copied, and change the name of the file so that it corresponds exactly with the file name for the sermon you want to load. Make sure the 'Protocol' box is set to 'other'. Click OK.
    9. Back in the white box headed 'Article text', under the sermon title, type 'Preacher:' then put the name in by clicking the 'J Tree Link' button above (it's shown as a chain link on top of a piece of paper), and expand the Menu and Contacts Menu directories by clicking on the tiny + signs, then select your contact. If the name doesn't appear you will have to create the contact (see guidelines for this elsewhere on the Wiki.)
    10. Under that type Scripture reference.
    11. In the 'Publishing Options' section, click 'Select User' and enter your name.
    12. Enter today's date in the 'Created Date' and 'Start Publishing' boxes. Enter a date three months hence in the 'Finish Publishing' box. Note: it will drop off the 'Recent News' box on the Home page well before this date, but it will be available under the Resources menu drop down until the 'Finish Publication' date.
    13. Press 'Save&Close'