Website Contact Guidelines

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Revision as of 23:32, 8 December 2011 by (talk) (Adding a New Contact)
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Contacts are a special page in Joomla! for centrally managing the contact details instead of including them article pages where they are more difficult to keep consistent. While the Website Team would typically create contacts, registered users with appropriate rights may update them.

Adding a New Contact

To add a new contact:

  1. Reformat the contact photo using an image processing software package such as Paint.NET so that the image has a height of 280 pixels and a width 210 pixels.
  2. Convert the image to black and white if it is a colour photo.
  3. Save in JPEG format using a quality setting of 90 and name it so it is consistent with this example: michael-adams.jpg.
  4. Login to back end of website.
  5. Go to Content>Media Manager.
  6. Upload the photo to the Media>Contacts folder.
  7. Go to Components>Contacts>Contacts.
  8. Select New.
  9. In the New Contact Form, complete the following fields:
    1. Name: Please put the first name before the last name. E.g. Sarah Baker, not Baker, Sarah.
    2. Linked User (if the user has a login on the website)
    3. Category
    4. Other information (if you would like to provide some background information about the user).
  10. In the Contact Details section on the right, complete as many fields as possible, in particular:
    1. Image; Select the photo that you just uploaded.
    2. Email
    3. Mobile
    4. Telephone
  11. It should not be necessary to complete or update the other sections on the right.
  12. Select Save&Close.

Now the contact is created but in order to make it easy to link to the contact from article pages, a menu item has to be created for the contact.

To create the menu item:

  1. Go to Menus>Contacts Menu>Add New Menu Item.
  2. In the New Menu Item form, complete the following fields:
    1. Menu Item Type: Click select and choose Single Contact.
    2. Menu Title: Enter the full name of the contact as entered in the contact form.
    3. In the Required Settings section on the right, complete Select Contact by clicking on Change Contact and selecting the corresponding contact.
  3. It should not be necessary to complete or update the other sections on the right.
  4. Select Save&Close, then look for the newly added contact in the Menu Items screen (it will probably be the last item). Set the box at the bottom of the list to 'Display All'. Gauge which number should be in the ordering column so it appears alphabetically, and overwrite the number that's already there. Press the icon at the top of the ordering column that looks like a floppy disc. This will save the new contact in the right place.

To make sure that the contact menu is displayed when the contact page is viewed:

  1. Go to Extensions>Module Manager>Contact Menu.
  2. In the Menu Assignment section, on the Contact Menu tab, check the newly added contact.


Link to a Contact

In order to link to a Contact from an article:

  1. In the Article Text, click on the JTree Link icon.
  2. Go to Link Info>Links>Menu>Contact Menu
  3. Select the contact that you would like to insert.
  4. Select OK.
