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The biometric authentication is really a highly developed process of monitoring and authenticating the identity of an individual with regards to the physical attributes and behavioral characteristics. Using the emergence of complex computer systems that has been enhanced accuracy provided by different information collection devices, biometrics has gained immense popularity today, and is widely used in important business processes and organizations. Over the years; biometrics will essentially replace almost every other type of accessibility checks and identity tracking, ensuring improved security and monitoring system.

biometrics company

The benefits:

Biometrics is among the most effective ways of identifying and confirming the identity and access profile of the person. Discussed herewith are the key advantages of biometrics.

   Since authentication is based on the physical attributes and cognitive traits of the person, it's perhaps impossible to imitate it.
   The user does need to memorize it just like a password, and only the physical and behavioral traits are sufficient in confirming the identity.
   It cannot be hacked under any situation, except the highly advanced technology systems. Since physical traits and behavioral attributes are unique towards the person, hacking or replication is rarely possible
   Biometric authentication is hassle free anyway, whereby the report could be generated instantly on the computer.
   Important information about the person is recorded with respective biometric attributes, ensuring effective monitoring and control from time to time.
   Applications of biometrics include attendance tracking or authenticating option of a small area.

The Flip Side:

Because of certain flaws in biometric scanners and insufficient anti-hacking mechanism, it is suggested that biometric traits, in addition to some complex passwords, ought to be used in confirming the identity of the person. This prevents the risk of decoding the biometric patterns, which is often possible with false equipments.

Types of Biometric Authentication:

Mentioned here are some from the important kinds of biometric authentication.

Fingerprint Recognition - This is the most often used biometrics, today. Fingerprints are unique to each person, and based on this idea, fingerprints are used in verifying and confirming the identity or access of the person based on pre-stored fingerprint marks. The system can be easily accessed and need a little space to install.

Voice Recognition - This is different from speech recognition. With this particular biometric authentication method, the identity of the person is verified with different specific voice pattern that is pre-recorded, and never any particular statement.

Eye Scan - In this system, the eye of the person is scanned to authenticate access profile and identity that cannot be imitated easily. The system guarantees advanced security.

Facial Recognition - This process uses distinct facial features in verifying an individual, including cheekbone area, eye socket outlines, sides of mouth, and placement of nose and eyes.

Digital Signature - While not directly related to biometrics, this can be a commonly used identity tracking mechanism that uses the digital signature of the person to ensure identity and access. However, the operation is cumbersome and includes risks of hacking.

Regardless of all drawbacks, it is expected that biometric authentication will emerge because the best identity tracking mechanism, ensuring advanced security and better control in the years to come.