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A 'Traffic Exchange' is very just a put on the web where you can go and just do that, exchange traffic along with other traffic exchange users. It's a basic agreement between the users of traffic exchanges which says 'If I review your website, you appear at mine.

The Traffic Exchange owners, which there are many, have allowed the automation and regulating this basic agreement between 'surfers'.

There are lots of ways in which you can learn about traffic exchanges and how to use them successfully and effectively. In my own experience, it's been enter into and start using them, you quickly pick up an understanding of each exchange and how it really works, coupled with this are the emails which are sent out to you by each traffic exchange owner. These emails may at first glance seem a little pointless, but, should you actually take time to read them, there's a deep mine of knowledge within them.


I'll now go into a few tips and concepts on how better to get is a result of traffic exchanges.

1. Whichever traffic exchange you use, don't market your 'affiliate link', always employ a squeeze or splash page. If you're not sure what one of these is, then make it your business to discover! However, in essence a landing page includes a 'strong or grabbing headline', it lists several benefits, it contains a 'call to action' and it is generally great looking. Keep in mind, most traffic exchange users are there to obtain visitors to their webpages, your squeeze page needs to grab their attention, effectively halting their surf, and getting them to carry out the action you have called for. This must be something that can generally be carried out seconds. Lets get this absolutely straight individuals will NOT stop and browse an entire affiliate register page, you are wasting your time if you think they will!

2. Take part in each traffic exchange. On first look, many traffic exchanges seem very similar, but, when you take the time to study each one of these and obtain 'under the bonnet' of every, you will find it is much more than just the pleasing graphics and catchy surf bars which are different. Each successful traffic exchange has something going for it that is a little unique and various. You will also begin to observe that various traffic exchanges operate in teams. In fact, the entire traffic exchange community is incredibly close knit, owners of every exchange use each other, support each other and therefore grow each other. A few of the unique stuff you will find are the downline builder over at Visit Maniac (owned by Sean Supplee), The competitions run by Traffic Bunnies, of Cindy Battye, The rewards for surfing 50 pages in 5 days out of 7 at Advertising Understand how, owned by Robert Puddy. Take the time to become familiar with each exchange and it is unique benefits, it will help you receive better results and even refer people to them, which will result in additional traffic for you personally!

3. I've learned this from Soren Jordansen of Dagon Surf. DON'T dilute your surfing efforts by surfing too many exchanges at the same time. Ideally you should focus on Five to six traffic exchanges to surf at the same time. The way you choose which to use could possibly be dictated by 'what's hot' and 'what's not'. There are many resources online to help you gather details about this but, you'll find by working on your participation with every exchange, it will become obvious which ones you should be concentrating on. Personally I look for things like the 'Super Surf' option with 5 participating exchanges offering you a 10% rise in credits, or, where through participation, you have got an 'upgraded membership' which will help you receive a better surf ratio, perhaps 1:1 instead of the usual 2 or 3:1.

4. Browse the forums. one very helpful forum for me has been the net marketing forum. This forum is moderated by Jon Olsen, who owns I Love Hits. This particular forum is where most of the bigger traffic exchange owners 'hang out' and discuss. Personally I met Sean Supplee here and were able to start an excellent relationship, that is proving very fruitful, I was also capable of finding out about the launch of Traffic Gold Rush, one of the newest exchanges, but, which registered 2300 users in less than 48 hours, not bad!

5. Create a surfing Regime. Based on your results and data, develop a surfing strategy optimised for results not to mention, fun! It really should be fun because clicking to have an hour or two each day can begin to become a little tedious. By participating, building your understanding of traffic exchanges and using the right pages within them, it may be extremely satisfying and exciting to say the least.

Lastly, and really this will be significant, set your purpose, have confidence in yourself and fine tune along the way, it's a fun, exciting and fascinated journey that will reward you greatly!