Helpful Facts about Raspberry Leaf Tea

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Raspberry leaf tea is tea which is extracted from the leaves of raspberry. Raspberry, a delicious fruit native to North America and Europe is one of the most versatile and nutritious fruits available in nature. It has been used in herbal medicines for several hundred years due to the health benefits it provides.

For many centuries, midwives have endorsed the benefits of herbal treatments when employed throughout child-bearing. One of the most widely employed is raspberry tea and is consumed both during gestation and delivery. Raspberry leaf tea has been widely used throughout South and North America, Europe and China by pregnant women.

Raspberry leaf tea is full of nutrients and contains vitamins A, C, E and B, magnesium, calcium and iron. These nutrients are very important for a healthy pregnancy. Raspberry leaf tea also consists of the alkaloid 'fragine' which is supposed to strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus, helping them to contract more efficiently during labor. It is very beneficial not to use raspberry leaves until the last two months of pregnancy because of their stimulating effect on the uterus.

The benefits of drinking raspberry leaf tea ahead of and throughout pregnancy comprise:

1. Increasing fertility (especially when combined with Red Clover) 2. Preventing miscarriage 3. Easing morning sickness 4. Reducing pain during labor and after birth 5. Assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk

A simple breakdown of the Red Raspberry Leaf tea's "ingredients" are as follows:

1. Vitamin E, for better blood circulation, since during pregnancy we have much more running through our bodies. 2. Vitamin A, for healthy baby skin and bone development. 3. Vitamin B complex 4. High concentration of vitamin C 5. Calcium, an easily assimilated form that helps control nerve response to pain during childbirth and aids baby's bone development. 6. Iron 7. Manganese 8. Magnesium 9. Minerals including phosphorous and potassium

Research has found that taking raspberry leaf during the weeks prior to delivery helps to shorten the second stage of labor by making contractions more effective. There is no evidence to show that red raspberry leaf will encourage labor to begin.

Most of these studies have corroborated the ancient belief in the medicinal benefits of raspberry tea particularly in pregnancy cases related to inducing labor and reducing the discomfort felt by pregnant women due to contractions.

Many physicians recommended starting to take the tea at 32 weeks and then through to the birth. There have been no officially reported side effects but many women report that they suffer from nausea, increased Braxton-Hicks contractions, and diarrhea after consuming raspberry tea. Drinking the tea earlier in the first trimester may also help prevent miscarriage. One common misconception is that using raspberry leaf tea can help induce labor.

For the best possible results drink one cup per day prior to conception and during the first trimester, during your second trimester increase your daily intake to two cups per day. When you reach your third trimester you should begin drinking four cups of the raspberry leaf tea daily. Do this and you will have the best experience ever.

More information about raspberry leaf tea are published along with advantages of raspberry leaf tea at .