The truth behind male enhancement pills part 1

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There isn’t a male on the planet that at one time or another has questioned his sexual prowess and possibly his penis size. In a world where bigger is nearly always better it’s easy for even the most confident of men to get bouts of insecurities when it comes to their size and ability to perform in bed. This is easily proven by the multitude of products on the market, from stretching contraptions, penis extenders, male enhancement pills, penis exercises….the list goes on. However like the snake oil salesmen of the past many of these devices are simply useless placebos that prey on the insecurities of an entire sex. The reality of it is that male enhancement is by and large a very profitable vertical for many companies who can quickly deploy and promote products that offer increased size, increased girth and increased length to go along with an insatiable sexual appetite. Between email marketing and online websites companies do not have to spend much to reach a ready and willing audience. The bigger question is do any of the products work? I have been in the nutritional field for over 12 years. Having researched and developed numerous herbal supplements and natural remedies for common ailments and general health needs. When I look at whether a product has commercial viability and truth in marketing, I look at what it is claiming to do, break it down into its ingredients and determine if the ingredients have the attributes to support the products claim on both an individual basis and combined into the supplement itself. When it comes to male enhancement, I strictly look at natural non prescription male enhancement products. I steer clear of exercises, extenders, pumps and the like. Personally I do not want to go out and recruit a group of men to utilize one of these contraptions then have to measure, mark and record results. Not what I want to do when I get to the office in the morning! So I am going to stick with what I know which is herbal supplements, their ingredients and what type of results these ingredients have. Based on that I can suggest whether a male enhancement product has the proper formula to result in some physical benefit. The first thing to look at is how the penis works and why it does what it does. First an erection starts in the brain. Whether its from some type of external physical stimulation or a form of mental stimulation the brain is triggered to chemically instruct the nerves in the penis that inform the blood vessels in the penis to relax so that blood can enter into the penis with as little restriction as possible. Once the blood has flown to the penis, a variation in blood pressure causes the blood flow to become trapped in the penis, thus creating a hard and sustained erection. I am sure every man has had some erections that are better than others. This is due to varying circumstances but from a physical perspective, more blood flow equates to a larger and harder erection. So the first think to look for in a male enhancement product is to look for ingredients that promote sexual arousal in the bran and also increase the ease by which blood can flow into the penis.

In 1998 a Nobel Prize in science was awarded to the scientist who discovered that blood flow in the body was regulated by nitric oxide (NO2).  Nitric oxide helps to relax blood vessels and increase their ability to dilate and increase the volume of blood they can hold. Thus an increase in nitric oxide can result in more blood flowing to the penis enhancing the male’s erection and due to the increased volume of blood also increase the size of the erect penis. Several natural ingredients are proven to increase production of nitric oxide in the human body. One of these is L-Arginine which is an essential amino acid. Many men have a significant deficiency of L-Arginine which could result in the inability to get erect or to maintain an erection. So it is important that any male enhancement pill contain a sizeable amount of L-Arginine.  Another herbal compound that assists in increasing blood flow and produce nitric oxide is Cnidium Monnier. This is a Chinese herb that promotes a significant increase in nitric oxide production while also aiding in relaxing the body’s blood vessels thus promoting a higher volume of blood flow to the penis. Any herbal male enhancement product should have both of these ingredients present. They work in conjunction to assist the body in generating the correct chemical equation to product a significantly more substantial erection.  While these two herbal ingredients promote blood flow and increased size and volume due to their effect on blood vessel relaxation additional ingredients are needed to make certain that the body can not only initiate the chemical signals required to gain an erection but to maintain those signals so that the male can have a sustained erection for a longer duration of time.  In order to do this, a supplement must also have the ability to increase libido, sexual appetite as well as sustain the energy needed to maintain an erection and all the activities that go along with it! 

To increase libido, a male enhancement supplement should contain the natural substance Icariin which is a flavonoid found in the plant horny goat weed. Icariin has a long history of boosting sexual fire. It is known to decrease fatigue, boost nitric oxide production, increase base body temperature and directly target and relax the soft muscle tissue of the penis. It also directly targets the brains ability to release dopamine and transmit signals from the brain to the penis. This not only increases the male erection, but increases their sexual desire, appetite and increases the speed and time it takes to react to sexual stimulation. So erections are more frequent, take less stimulation and combined with the previous herbal supplements are also now larger and more sustainable. In addition any 100% natural male enhancement products should contain yohimbine which works in the male body to block pre and post synaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors. This results in a higher concentration of adrenaline in the bloodstream as well as increased ability to utilize free epinephrine in the bloodstream. This results in increased energy, increased body temperature, increases awareness to stimulus such as touch and pressure sensations as well as a feeling of general euphoria and wellbeing. The overall increase neurotransmitters in the central nervous system leads to the ability to use more nitric oxide which if the previous ingredients are in your supplement will be in ample supply! Yohimbine also increases blood flow, relaxes blood vessels and grants the user a significant increase in energy as well as reaction to stimuli. Another compound that should be included in any natural male enhancement product is Tribulus Terrestis. This herbal supplement increases testosterone levels as well as DHEA levels in men. This directly results in increased sex drive due to the increased DHEA and Testosterone in the body. In addition this herb increases the release and availability of luteinizing hormone as well as FSH follicle stimulating hormone. This dramatically increases sexual appetite, libido and sexual performance. A bi product of the increased FSH and Luteinizing hormone is an increased volume of semen present during ejaculation. So not only are you horny, hard and ready but you also can perform well above the level that you would normally. Your lovers will most definitely notice not just your physical changes but also your increased libido; take charge in bed attitude and extreme performance ability.