I've been considering this girl in San Miguel de Allende. I do not know her well. I've never met her, really, but we've corresponded. She said that she's tried learning Spanish. She is spent money she did not have to attend classes that produced little in the way of spoken fluency in the language. Her knowledge? It's very regular. You arrive at Mexico, you may also arrive at live, and simply take classes only to find almost no, if any, success in learning the language. Envision the despair, the frustration, and the gap.
I have seen a trend in the investigation I've been doing recently. I have been looking at American expats in lots of different countries concerned from Foreign Service to simple retirement. The overwhelming common theme that characterizes almost all of the Americans in foreign countries is the linguistic inability to communicate with the natives of the state.
Some Americans, let's face it, do not wish to learn the language. When they do not have to, why bother? They associate with other monolingual Americans and people who speak English. In Asia during the 1950's, the locals named the enclaved Americans The Social Incest Club.
What is so sad to me are those that want to learn the language and produce a valiant effort only to fail. They want to notably expand the social group with which to possess communion and fellowship but they can not. They're forced either to mix with the Gringolandia "Social Incest Clubs" specifically or they stay alone and isolated. These are determined individuals who need to find out a secret.
The "Translation Method" of language training, the technique which dominates all over the place, by design cannot work to show you verbal fluency.
What're all of the different language training techniques which have come down the pike in the last 100 years? Why are there so many techniques and which ones, if any, really work?
NEXT: What is the translation method? human resources manager