Happy New Year 2013

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Its a new year and that means new beginnings. Out with the old and in with the new. Let us leave the behind the pain and suffering we endured last year and bring with us the joy and memories which brought us happiness to this year.

We cannot change the past; we can only change the present and the future. We can change our choices. We can learn from out mistakes. We can take forward a new vision for ourselves and hope.

"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper and give you hope." Jeremiah 29 V 11

That verse has always been my inspiration...when I got divorced; when my sister died, and any other time in my life that I thought my world was ending as I knew it. It has brought me comfort and I hope it will bring comfort to those who find themselves in a place of despair.

Hope....we can do better. It is what we need....hope. Hope that our lives will turn out better; that we will find our true loves, that we will find a job, that we will recover from our illness or there will be a new cure. Hope that there is something better in our future.

It is when we lose hope that we fill our lives with despair and depression. This year I offer you this simple mantra: Believe more. Hope more. Love more. Live more. Be more.

Happy New Year my friends and may you do all of the above.

With Love http://bukaninfo.blogdetik.com/2012/12/15/kumpulan-sms-ucapan-tahun-baru-2013-unik-dan-menarik/