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Even though you haven't specially created a planting plan that concentrates on those flowers best grown for cutting, there will be plenty of flowers during spring and summer that you can pick from your garden and bring in to the house. But whether you choose home grown flowers or buy from a shop, there's always the dilemma of how to ensure that they're fresh for as long as possible. Here are some good tips regarding how to cut flowers and keep them fresh.


If you want to cut flowers fresh from the garden there are a few handy tips to make sure you pick the healthiest blooms and ones that will last the longest. As a general rule it is advisable to cut flowers either first thing in the morning or later at night. This will be sure that the picked stems have gathered the maximum amount of water. If you're picking flowers with single blooms for example daffodils or tulips, be sure you choose a bud that is just about to open. For flowers with multiple blooms it is advisable to cut individuals with at least two thirds of the buds closed or about to open. This can ensure you have flowers which will keep going longer once in a while vase. It's also smart to cut stems in a slant, the thinking because you'll boost the area available to take up water. Remove all foliage in the area of the stem that it is to be submerged in water. Failure to do this often results in fouling the water.

There's also some useful tips about water. Most cut flowers prefer Luke warm water, except for bulbs for example daffodils that prefer cold water. Alter the water inside your vase every couple of days to help keep it fresh and renew the oxygen supply. There's also a few quirky tips you can test to maintain your flowers fresh for extended. Adding substances to the water has been shown to assist and tips vary from adding lemon juice, bicarbonate of soda and sugar to crushing and adding an aspirin. Other substances you can test include soda water and even bleach.

It does not really matter what vessel you utilize to accommodate your flowers just as long as it suits the flower. For example lilies would be best kept with long stems and thus will require a tall vase. Vases could be anything from glass to plastic as well as alternative objects works for example china jugs, tea cups and indoor planters as long as they are water tight.