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There's been an amazing discovery in the area of health and nutrition. Though it's been become an undercover buzz and included in the press, it is still generally speaking not known. It is the anti-aging and health re-vitalizing power of only a little Brazilian fruit, now declared the new #1 superfood: the acai berry pulp.

Before since the most nutrient rich food this new finding the blueberry was praised. It had been recognized for the extremely powerful antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants are crucial for full body health. In the natural procedure for the bodys workings, cells are constantly metabolizing. This produces byproducts called free radicals. Free radicals are molecules missing an electron. A totally free radical may seek to support itself and by stealing an electron from the healthy cell. This produces still another free radical, creating more cell damage. The method snowballs as we age and eventually we commence to feel its effects at around age 35 or 40 - the domino effect of untreated massive cell destruction. Things commence to fail.

As we commence to see aging, degeneration and disease the unchecked stream of free radicals damage cells. Free radicals can occupy a wall, harm the DNA, and start the procedure that can start cancer. They could occupy the cell and cause the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, to slow down or are amiss altogether. Depending on where this happens, it could affect many of the bodys natural systems - from neuronal firing to hormonal balance.

Antioxidants are molecules loaded with extra free electrons. By providing the body with a strong source of additional antioxidants, the free radicals are actually in a position to support themselves by finding their electron from the antioxidants rather than from your cells. Further cell damage is prevented by this.

The blueberry is filled with anthocyanins, an antioxidant phytonutrient which really is a a lot more effective way to obtain anti-oxidants than Vitamins A and E. Anthocyanins have been shown to neutralize free radical damage that may end up in therefore many health problems, such as for instance cataracts, abnormal veins, peptic ulcers, heart disease, cancer - the list goes on and on.

Blueberries have been named being much more powerful in giving antioxidants than wine. As anti-aging superfood was packed by the #1 nutrient rich, antioxidant by the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) now they've been replaced.

The acai berries contains the same antioxidant phytonutrients as blueberries, anthocyanins, except in FAR larger amounts. Blueberries have been proven to offer 38% more anthocyanins than burgandy or merlot wine. The acai berries have been proven to be an 33 times more powerful than burgandy or merlot wine and 5 times more powerful than ginko biloba.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone in his new guide the Perricone Promise calls the most excellent food to the acai berries in the world. It costs no 1 on his listing of tips of the top ten components to feel and look younger, enjoy rejuvenated health and slow the aging process.

The acai berries are also very special, being full of so many vitamins. It's proteins, that is unusual in vegetables and fruits in United States. It has the protein content of an egg, the fatty acids of coconut oil and is rich in the A and B vitamins. It is a multivitamin food!

Consuming it's extraordinary health benefits. Even when you are healthier you will probably discover results as a more balanced nutrition is introduced by you to the body, including increased mental and energy clarity.

Prevent future infection and anti-oxidants have been named an essential section of our diet in order to restore our health. We now have access to the most powerful antioxidant ever discovered. This may get our health to whole new levels.

What's the simplest way of adding the unique acai berry pulp to your daily diet? The most effective delivery of an antioxidant is ideally in liquid form, therefore locate a liquid product. Locate a business that responsibly helps you to conserve the Brazilian rainforest. Essentially the organization is one which is nearest to the origin, harvesting and processing in Brazil. Make certain the organization has the highest quality pharmacological control in order to ensure that you're getting the best solution, and the best results. 23 Photo Sharing: Just How To Know If You Are Burning Muscle Not Fats? Burn up Body F