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The function of the Picture Editor can be largely varied and contains a number of different daily tasks. It requires both technical skill and inventive ability. An image Editor will typically result in all or any of the following tasks:

Commissioning Photography: A Picture Editor can set up photoshoots which range from big budget studio shoots that include props, hair and make up, stylists, photographers, lighting etc through to extremely swift shoots requiring maybe only a photographer. Because of this, a contacts book filled with geographically and stylistically diverse photographers, make-up artists, stylists, prop houses etc is invaluable.

photoshop free

Writing/Devising Creative Briefs: An important skill for any Picture Editor and probably fundamentally from the role is being able to come up with fresh creative ideas for photography. Once a concept is reached, the Picture Editor must be in a position to communicate it effectively to ensure that everyone involved understands it. This is usually achieved by discussing a concept (often generating refinements) but additionally by writing a creative brief. This will include descriptions and illustrations from the idea

Direction: An image Editor will frequently direct shoots to ensure that the lighting/position of subjects etc will best realise the idea

Images Processing: This often forms a large part from the workload of the Picture Editor. Using industry standard applications for example Photoshop cs4 or Bridge, a Picture Editor will process images for use. This might be re-touching a picture (also known as "air-brushing") where blemishes along with other inconsistencies within an image is going to be removed and other areas might be enhanced or completely recreated. Captioning forms a significant part of image processing which is common practice to embed captions in the image file. This is done using Photoshop/Bridge deciding on the "File Info" option in the "File" menu. An image Editor will add captions, copyright information and other things relevant to the image.