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I'm uncertain just how many people have observed and on occasion even care, but there seems to have been another page rank upgrade from Google. This update is very strange but and things are happening that are a great deal different from anything I've ever seen before.

I first noticed a big difference when I went and viewed one of my sites which is only three months old. The site in question had previously had no page ranking due to being fully a very new internet site and in these three days since its introduction, I'd probably obtained twenty or thirty one-way backward links pointing to it. To as a full page rank five my amazement it absolutely was now showing.

I've numerous internet sites one of that will be around five years of age, it's over four thousand backward links and is just a page rank four. After seeing my new site go straight in at page ranking five, I quickly went along to see how this older site had faired in this new upgrade, it had not changed.

After checking all of my sites, I have realised that the sites which had a rank have all kept the same, however the people which had formerly a rank of zero, now have a rank and have seemingly been a part of the newest update.

Several hours later I was taking a look at one of my other websites with a homepage page rank of two. Where things began to develop into a bit weird this really is. I pointed out that its outer pages had now become a page ranking four but the homepage was still only a PR2. What's all that about? The backward links are generally going to the website so just how can this site have a lesser PR compared to the external pages?

I thought I knew slightly about page rank but it's cast me some what.

I then began to look at the various articles in numerous internet search engine boards and other people were writing they've experienced the same as what I'd with their sites.

It maybe needless to say that what we are seeing is just the beginning of a big page ranking update, which will be what I'm expecting. What I also find quite unusual is that there's normally quite a large break between changes. An average of this is anywhere between three and four weeks. I'm virtually certain that we have only just seen a typical page list upgrade in the centre of February, if my memory serves me correct. Are we now going to see more standard updates?

I've heard as I am sure you have, that there have been a changes at google in the last few months. They've been coming out what they call bigdaddy and this could certainly have something related to it.

I'm going to keep an eye on further changes as some individuals that I find out about in the boards, did state that they had seen improvements to their older sites as well as their newer sites. I'm wondering and still waiting if it will happen.

I have to express that so far this latest update is a good one for me personally and I will keep on in my search to obtain as many quality one-way backward links pointing to my websites as possible.

This kind of site campaign has worked for me in the past and in my opinion is far better than joining any link trade scheme.

Charlie Hill sponsors