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When you are aware what your qualities are you can decide if they're helping or hindering your leadership. Remember to be enhancing your leadership abilities. Here are some ways you can grow and get your team to be higher performers.

  • Learn more about yourself as well as your style as a leader - What are your strengths and just what needs improvement? Ensure that you are helping your team to get to their full potential. Learn how to be considered a transformational leader.
  • Be a role model - Walk the walk and talk the talk. Model the qualities that you would like to see in your team. People will wish to follow you.

The Power of Leadership

  • Be passionate - Care about the goals of your team. Be genuine and enthusiastic about the problem you're focusing on with your team.
  • Creativity is important - Encourage your team to convey their creativity. Set challenges and goals which are at your fingertips of your teams abilities.
  • Be positive - Be upbeat and optimistic. Be inspirational to your team and inform them that you're on their side. Even when things aren't working as if you planned, stay positive and hopeful through it all.
  • Listen and communicate effectively - You can do this with one-on-one communication for your team. You are able to let them know both verbally and nonverbally that you are sincerely concerned. Provide them with recognition for their achievements.
  • Motivate your team - You can do this allowing your team tell you what their ideas are. You can always function as the someone to make the final decision, but your team will feel included in the process of implementing ideas and goals.
  • Make contributions - Welcome the ideas of your team. You are the final word, however your team will know that you respect their ideas and as a result them. This gives them greater commitment, more creative problem-solving and improved productivity.
  • Give rewards and recognition - This can help your team to feel appreciated and needed. You have to removed barriers to success and reward strong efforts. People will want to meet your needs and you will win their loyalty.
  • Always try new things - The easiest method to accomplish this would be to turn to your team for feedback and inspiration. Remember to be looking for new ways to encourage, inspire, motivate and reward your team.

Your look of leadership will also depend on the makeup of the team. Many will need an autocratic leader where expectations are clear and defined. Then there's the democratic leader who offers guidance to the team, but additionally looks towards the team for participation. Another leadership style is delegative where you would have little if any guidance to the team, this style could be effective where the individuals are highly qualified in expertise.

You will notice that you will find as numerous styles as there are people leading. Leadership has defined parameters, but will also undertake the options of the individual leading. I hope you will discover your leadership personality and employ it to the fullest for the good of the team.