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To optimize YouTube videos (or SEO for YouTube) simply consume a couple steps when uploading your videos. SEO for YouTube is just as essential as assuring your website's pages and structure is optimized for search engines.

Jordan Vranes

The most crucial step is really the creation of the content itself. Even before you upload your video attempt to consider the content from a consumers point of view. Whether you're targeting customers as a retailer or B2B Lead Generation like a service provider, the content you have produced ought to be tailored towards the demographic you're attempting to reach. You may think it's great content, if your target viewer doesn't agree, the content will not be shared and also the search engines are unlikely to reward you with higher search engine ranking positions.

Remember, YouTube and also the Search engines like google don't "read" videos. They merely understand what a relevant video is all about in line with the description you assign to it. Therefore it's important that you simply spend some time studying keywords, just like you would for on-site SEO or off-site SEO.

So let's assume you've great content, and you know the keywords you want to target. IMPORTANT TIP: Before you do anything, make sure the file name of your raw video file includes the keywords you want to target. Although this info isn't displayed publicly online, it is considered when ranking video relevancy.

Okay, now you need to hit that video upload button and obtain started!

1. Video Title

Your Video Title is within essence the meta title of the page. This is the very first thing "read" by the search engines like google when indexing your video for search results. The YouTube title character limit is 100 characters which means you're allowed 100 spaces also it includes all characters and spaces. IMPORTANT TIP: While you're allows 99 characters, only the first 66 characters are displayed in search results! As you're uploading your video and editing the content, YouTube displays what is visible to the search engines like google towards the top of your screen.

Your most important keywords ought to be put as close to the start of the Video Title as possible. Just like when writing meta titles for webpages think, < keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 > and so on. Best keywords derive from the search terms that you'd like to be found. Again, consider how you want to be located by your average customer. Those search terms should be the keywords in your title.

2. Video Description

You are allowed 5000 characters for your Video Descriptions... use them! The recording description is similar to the meta description of a web page. You need to reiterate your keyword phrases too. I suggest including a link to your website in your video description too. After-all, you aren't uploading video simply to kill time! You're uploading video to achieve more internet search engine visibility and also to come in contact with new consumers! IMPORTANT TIP: Your video description is truncated when displayed as well. You can observe this by clicking on any video page and viewing the outline. As the full description is available by clicking on the "Show More" link, you'll see only about the first 175-190 Characters are displayed.

3. Video Tags

YouTube recommends limiting your video tags to 120 characters. Your video tags should include your keyword or keywords and key phrases used in the above two steps. IMPORTANT TIP: For longer keywords and key phrases, it's a good idea to put quotations pre and post the saying. This tells the various search engines that you want to look for that phrase of keywords and not simply individual keywords included in the phrase.