Actually, hearing loss is a reduction in the ability to hear sounds. Deafness is a complete inability to hear sounds. Deafness and hearing loss are caused by many different factors and can occur at any age. Anyone can suddenly become Deaf as a side effect of a virus, or gradually lose hearing following an illness, nerve damage or injury caused by noise, but this is mostly caused by degenerative process related to old age. Elder people are the most vulnerable to this medical problem. Living with a hearing problem can be a real handicap: conversations are more than mumbling, you cannot enjoy music, or hear the phone ringing, let alone answer. Most elderly people who suffer from deafness become depressed and withdrawn because of this problem. They may not know that today, thanks to advances in medicine and technology, there are many treatments to mitigate this disadvantage.
At the onset of hearing loss, a doctor should be consulted to establish his or her own diagnosis. Most common type of deafness in the elderly is sensorineural hearing loss or presbycusis. Many experts put this progressive loss of hearing on the aging of the inner ear. However, there seems to be several external factors responsible for this change. Among them, use of certain medications, diet, genetic factors or excessive noise in everyday environments.
Although this type of hearing loss is usually irreversible, there are some treatments that improve the quality of life of the individual hearing loss. Hearing aids, in particular, give good results. The hearing aid is a miniaturized device, housed in the auricle and which serves as sound amplifier. Generally, technology did a big progress in producing different devices that help incredibly in different stage of diseases. Recently there are new devices that help people with hearing problems with telephony, an issue that is a big concern of them, since communication can be vital. One of the best new technologies uses transcription services to convert what the caller says, to readable text, displaying it in the screen of the telephone. Captioncall is the leading company that offers for free these devices to people with hearing problems (Normally it costs 149$).Anyone can have this phone by using promo code CAS70150, to make it free. There's no catch and it works awesome. Sign your parents up, if they have a hard time on the phone. CaptionCall takes care of ALL costs for this phone and service. There is no monthly fee. CaptionCall CapTel and Caption Phone