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Occult Knowledge - Strategies Explained

There has been for a while a call for a volume, simple and explanatory in style, that shall give the rudiments of what's termed Occult Science. Occult Law is merely unrevealed natural law; hidden, because until recently the planet has been entirely satisfied with things, as they seemed, with the external and superficial. There are many involved and expensive books coping with this most interesting, instructive, and fascinating subject, but because they are prepared for those who have had previous instruction, they are not adapted to the needs of the thousands of people who are for the first time touched through the wing of the spirit of knowledge that now seems to be brooding and descending upon the earth.

The influence of the Domains, Zodiacal Signs, Planets, and Stars has already been recognized and understood through certain wise men for a large number of years, but the esoteric a part of occult law has been known only to the initiated of particular nations and secret orders. The signs and wonders described by so many travelers in the Eastern have attracted wide interest, but these phenomena have borne as small a regards to the real philosophy of occultism since the slate writing of the modern medium bears to true Spiritualism.

The quickening spirit is here. Even the usually thoughtless and indifferent open their eyes a little wider sometimes, and stop long enough within their money-grubbing and shopping to wonder what everything means. Competent teachers in mental and spiritual subjects are busy in our towns and cities, instructing great classes of students who hunger and thirst for that truths that make for peace and happiness. Dissatisfaction with old techniques and theories and creeds fulfill us at every hand. Light has flashed upon the dark idols, and they are revealed in all their hideousness. A far-off God along with a remote heaven are no longer attractive. The quickening spirit offers breathed a thought to anyone who has ears to hear as well as hearts to feel, of the Eternal Now, and a God and a heaven in every human soul. The dogmatic absurdities of learned men are dying. Every power of bliss and earth is friendly to some noble and courageous activity.

To find out some of the causes previously ignored by the majorityeven of the so-called educated and cultured- that affect permanently or ill the lives from the inhabitants of the planet, has now become an important necessity. To this end this particular volume is prepared, and it is hoped it will give the student a basis where to build, as well as a chance to comprehend the sublime truths, which every neophyte may more earnestly desire than anything that the world can provide.

An acquaintance with the actual Domains and Signs from the Zodiac places in the hands of each and every intelligent person a powerful overcoming force. The first effect of the knowledge is the birth of the new charity, not only for one's neighbors but for oneself. "Receiving a new the fact is adding a new feeling. Right wrongs no guy. " We find that there's a reason for particular traits of character, certain passions and weak points "which have burdened all of the conflict and hindered all of the fight. " The friends whom one has criticized and blamed have the same reason as ourselves for his or her peculiarities and unsatisfactory conduct. The next effect may be the assurance that, having penetrated to the cause, it is possible to find a remedy for the conditions that have formerly ruled our lives. Many of us have laughed at what we were pleased to call the superstitions in our grandparents, especially of our grandmothers, as expressed in their devotion to the Signs of the Zodiac. Fevers turned, the sick recovered or even died, children were weaned, houses bought and offered, according to some arrangement from the circle with the queer beasts and the much-pierced man that held a location in all the almanacs of the period. Some of us have found out a few points since, and one is that it is the part of wisdom not to sneer at or condemn the things which we do not understand.
